Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Maeser 71

Braden Casperson, Josh Roxas, Tyler Okelberry, Andrew Cutler, Michael Funk, Colby Bates.

Well apartment 71 was a fun apartment, but they were also a well behaved apartment. I appreciated that not much trouble came from this apartment.... no wait on second thought....

           One of my first "disasters" was due to some late night hi-jinks. I was fast asleep one night, very early in the year and i got a phone call.

"Andrew is hurt, he cut his leg open come quick!"  - - - -- What???? Then Jordan Carlson and someone else busted into my apartment. I jumped out of bed, got dressed quick and we ran out. Turned out that Andrew had busted his leg on a cement bench outside the Central Building playing tag. It was a pretty good gash as we see in this photo. What ensued was a good 3 hours in the ER from 2AM till 5AM and a very tired RA. I was able to be with andrew in the room while they washed it and stitched was kinda gross but it was fun. Something I'm sure he will never forget.

      Braden and Josh Roxas were known for many things. One of those things was that they were both established musicians. Braden was great at the guitar. I believe Josh even played too, but with this duo Josh was the vocals and Braden was the strummer... They even played in an acoustic concert at BYU shown here at the left. They did great and represented us well. Josh Roxas left at the semester break for the phillippines. He played alot of frisbee, and was all around popular because he had been there since summer. We were sad to see him go. Braden and me had a love hate relationship. We loved each other by hating each other. Sarcasm was our second language and we loved to practice it.

Colby wasnt around for long. He was a great addition to our hall. He took tons of classes and was very busy, so we didnt see him much. But not he is in Washington DC and rockin it out in the mission.

Tyler Okelberry was our beloved Elders Quorum President. From the moment i met him and helped him bring his bags in, I knew he was a good kid and was mature beyond his years. Then we went to interview with the stake presidency at the beginning of the year, I was sure he was getting that call. He served very honorably and was a big help for me in being a leader for the guys. One of the best things he did this year was his dance routine with the two Relief Society Presidents, Christine Hanamura and Lisa Greenwood. They did an interpretive dance routine for the ward talent show, and it showed a different side of our dear president. Please ask him about it and make him relive it... haha

Last but not least, Funk-Master! With his last name, he quickly took the name of Funk... at least with me. I love nick names and this was one that came easy. Early on in the year, we played alot of run-around. (game around the pool table) and we would play "horse" or whatever. Being the master that he is, the game was renamed appropriatly, -Funky- Me and Funk had many good talks and times this year. He is a man among boys and will be a great missionary I'm sure, as with all the Maeser men. Funk was lucky enough to find a gem daughter in Gates hall names Emily King. They became quick companions and we a great couple.

Missionaries from this apartment -
Tyler Okelberry - Mexico, Tampico
Josh Roxas - Philippines - San Pabl
Cobly Bates - Washington D.C. South
Braden Casperson - Brazil, Joao Pessoa
Michael Funk - Brazil, Brasilia
Andrew Cutler - TBD


  1. I had a very complicated relationship with the stadium seating. It was very cool. But also precipitated lots of sounds into the wee hours of the morning. As well as dominating table space. Also, I think something should be mentioned about Josh's knack for nudity. Thanks for putting these up, K-Shwag!

  2. I'd like to set the record straight and let everyone know that it was me who "busted" into K-Schwag with Jordan the night of "the accident".

  3. I just came across this blog!! So fun!!

  4. Still got the scar from that concrete bench.

    Sam just shared this link with me. What a bunch of weirdos we were
