Alright well as in all BYU wards the first couple of Sundays are the most fun. It seems the whole sacrament meeting is filled with callings, and hand raising. So here is a list of what we got for the guys...
Preston Arnold-Executive Secretary
John Ellis-Executive Secretary
Kevin Schwieger-Financial Clerk
Sean Russell-Membership clerk
Braydon Lander-Ward Records Clerk
Tyler Okelberry-Elders Quorum President
David Smith-1st councelor EQ
Michael Farnsworth-2nd counselor EQ
Allan Dayton-Secretary EQ
Jeff Hutchings-
Scott Oehler -EQ instructors
Jason Brown-
Andrew Cutler-EQ Service committee chair
Adam Decker- EQ Service committee
Blake Lord- EQ Service committee
Ian Collins- EQ Temple coordinator
Tyler Stoker-EQ Activity Committee Chair
Christopher Rowley- EQ Activity Committee
Kenyon Christensen- EQ Activity Committee
Coulsen Phillips-EQ Fast Offering Committee Chair
Tom Blackham-EQ Fast Offering Committee
Cory Roberts-EQ Fast Offering Committee
Mitch Blanc-Sacrament Coordinator
Phillip Jones-SS President
Sam Dearden-1st counselor SS
Jordan Carlson-2nd counselor SS
Sunday School Instructors-
Isaac Sheffield
Davis Esplin
Noah Veloz
Braden Casperson
Dallin Jackman
Matt Palmer
Bryce Church
Brent Reynolds-Mission Prep Insrtuctor
John Rouse-Activity Committee Chair
Ryan Smith- Break the fast committee chair
Activities committee-
Ryan Lopiano
Logan Beal
Hayden Galloway
Don Smith
Shawn Women
Michael Funk
Walter Coe-Ward Mission Leader
Kenny Squire-FHE Director
FHE Groupleaders-
Colby Bates
Brady Evans
Josh Littlefield
James Nish
Matthew Poulsen
Spencer Sutton
Taylor Mearns
Stephen Olsen
Kameron Hansen
Clark Cannon
Benson Weeks-Stake & Ward Indexing Director
Indexing Specialists-
Garret Hartley
Josh Roxas
Tyler Dawson
Adam Burton
Aaron Davis
Well this is the most recent list we have. I think its most everyone if not all of the guys. Callings are a great way to serve the Lord and for us to grow in the Gospel. This should be a good year, I really feel good about the callings made.